Google Summer of Code 2024 Reports: Test root device and root file system selection

January 03, 2025 posted by Leonardo Taccari

This report was written by Diviyam Pat as part of Google Summer of Code 2024.

This summer I worked on NetBSD's kernel test framework to cover root device discovery and root file system selection. This area of the kernel is not very well documented and program flow has to be determined by reading the code.

I would also like to tell you about my early interactions with the project, let me start with project findings.

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Google Summer of Code 2024 Reports: ALTQ refactoring and NPF integration

October 03, 2024 posted by Leonardo Taccari

This report was written by Emmanuel Nyarko as part of Google Summer of Code 2024.

Alternate Queuing has been of great need in the high Performance Computing space since the continuous records of unfair disruption in network quality due to the buffer bloat problem. The buffer bloat problem still persists and not completely gone but modern active queue managements have been introduced to improve the performance of networks.

ALTQ was refactored to basically improve maintainability. Duplicates were handled, some compile time errors were fixed and also performance has been improved too.

This improves the quality of developer experience on maintaining the ALTQ codebase.

The Controlled Delay (CoDel) active queue management has also been integrated into the netbsd codebase. This introduces improvements made in the area of quality of service in the netbsd operating system. CoDel was a research led collaborative work by Van Jacobness and Kathleen Nichols which was developed to manage queues under control of the minimum delay experienced by packets in the running buffer window.

As it stands now, ALTQ in NetBSD is integrated in PF packet filter. I am currently working to integrate it in the NPF packet filter. The code in NetBSD is on the constant pursuit to produce clean and maintainable code.

I'll also be working to improve quality of service in NetBSD through quality and collaborative research driven by randomness in results. As a research computer scientist, I will be working to propose new active queue managements for the NetBSD operating system to completely defeat the long lasting buffer bloat problem.

More details of the work can be found in my Google Summer of Code 2024 work submission.



Project Report: Add support for chdir(2) support in posix_spawn(3)

November 22, 2021 posted by Martin Husemann

Piyush Sachdeva finished the "add chdir support to posix_spawn(3)" project and reports about his work and experience. His code is already in -current and will be part of NetBSD 10.

Originally submitted as a proposal for GSoC, but unfortunately (due to low slot allocations) this project was not part of GSoC.

The NetBSD Foundation decided to nevertheless run the project and funded it.

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wifi project status update

August 26, 2021 posted by Martin Husemann

About a year ago the wifi renewal project got restarted. A lot things happened, but the high hopes of a quick breakthrough and fast merge to mainline did not come true.

Here is where we are today, what needs to be done and how things are planned to move on...

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Support for chdir(2) in posix_spawn(3)

June 10, 2021 posted by Martin Husemann

Piyush Sachdeva is working on an extension to NetBSD's posix_spawn system call implementation and library support.

He applied as a GSoC student, but unfortunately we only got a single slot from Google this year, so The NetBSD Foundation offered Piyush to work on it by TNF funding outside of the official GSoC.

In this post Piyush introduces himself and the project. He already started with the work...

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aiomixer, X/Open Curses and ncurses, and other news

May 12, 2021 posted by Nia Alarie

aiomixer, X/Open Curses and ncurses, and other news

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The GNU GDB Debugger and NetBSD (Part 2)

May 04, 2020 posted by Kamil Rytarowski

The NetBSD team of developers maintains two copies of GDB:
  • One in the base-system with a stack of local patches.
  • One in pkgsrc with mostly build fix patches.

The base-system version of GDB (GPLv3) still relies on a set of local patches. I set a goal to reduce the local patches to bare minimum, ideally reaching no local modifications at all.

Over the past month I've reimplemented debugging support for multi-threaded programs and upstreamed the support. It's interesting to note that the old support relied on GDB tracking only a single inferior process. This caused the need to reimplement the support and be agnostic to the number of traced processes. Meanwhile the upstream developers introduced new features for multi-target tracing and a lot of preexisting code broke and needed resurrection. This affected also the code kept in the GDB basesystem version. Additionally over the past 30 days, I've also developed new CPU-independent GDB features that were for a long time on a TODO list for NetBSD.

After the past month NetBSD has now a decent and functional GDB support in the mainline. It's still not as featured as it could and CPU-specific handling will need a dedicated treatment.[Read More] [0 comments]


Improving libossaudio, and the future of OSS in NetBSD

April 27, 2020 posted by Nia Alarie

Nia discusses recent fixes she's made to the Open Sound System compatibility layer, and explains some of the history behind OSS, and its future in NetBSD.

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Wifi renewal restarted

April 08, 2020 posted by Martin Husemann

I have started work on the phil-wifi branch, trying to modernize our net80211 and sync it with FreeBSD.

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LLDB work concluded

April 04, 2020 posted by Michał Górny

Upstream describes LLDB as a next generation, high-performance debugger. It is built on top of LLVM/Clang toolchain, and features great integration with it. At the moment, it primarily supports debugging C, C++ and ObjC code, and there is interest in extending it to more languages.

In February 2019, I have started working on LLDB, as contracted by the NetBSD Foundation. So far I've been working on reenabling continuous integration, squashing bugs, improving NetBSD core file support, extending NetBSD's ptrace interface to cover more register types and fix compat32 issues, fixing watchpoint and threading support, porting to i386.

March 2020 was the last month of my contract. During it my primary focus was to prepare integration of LLDB into NetBSD's src tree.

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LLDB now works on i386

February 08, 2020 posted by Michał Górny

Upstream describes LLDB as a next generation, high-performance debugger. It is built on top of LLVM/Clang toolchain, and features great integration with it. At the moment, it primarily supports debugging C, C++ and ObjC code, and there is interest in extending it to more languages.

In February 2019, I have started working on LLDB, as contracted by the NetBSD Foundation. So far I've been working on reenabling continuous integration, squashing bugs, improving NetBSD core file support, extending NetBSD's ptrace interface to cover more register types and fix compat32 issues, fixing watchpoint and threading support.

The original NetBSD port of LLDB was focused on amd64 only. In January, I have extended it to support i386 executables. This includes both 32-bit builds of LLDB (running natively on i386 kernel or via compat32) and debugging 32-bit programs from 64-bit LLDB.

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GSoC 2019 Final Report: Incorporating the memory-hard Argon2 hashing scheme into NetBSD

January 12, 2020 posted by Jason High


We successfully incorporated the Argon2 reference implementation into NetBSD/amd64 for our 2019 Google Summer of Coding project. We introduced our project here and provided some hints on how to select parameters here. For our final report, we will provide an overview of what changes were made to complete the project.

Incorporating the Argon2 Reference Implementation

The Argon2 reference implementation, available here, is available under both the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 and the Apache Public License 2.0. To import the reference implementation into src/external, we chose to use the Apache 2.0 license for this project.

During our initial phase 1, we focused on building the libargon2 library and integrating the functionality into the existing password management framework via libcrypt. Toward this end, we imported the reference implementation and created the "glue" to incorporate the changes into /usr/src/external/apache. The reference implementation is found in

m2$ ls /usr/src/external/apache2/argon2                                                                                    
Makefile dist     lib      usr.bin
The Argon2 reference implementation provides both a library and a binary. We build the libargon2 library to support libcrypt integration, and the argon2(1) binary to provide a userland command-line tool for evaluation. To build the code, we add MKARGON2 to
_MKVARS.yes= \
        MKARGON2 \
and add the following conditional build to /usr/src/external/apache2/Makefile
.if (defined(MKARGON2) && ${MKARGON2} != "no")
SUBDIR+= argon2
After successfully building and installation, we have the following new files and symlinks
To incorporate Argon2 into the password management framework of NetBSD, we focused on libcrypt. In /usr/src/lib/libcrypt/Makefile, we first check for MKARGON2
.if (defined(MKARGON2) && ${MKARGON2} != "no")
If HAVE_ARGON2 is defined and enabled, we append the following to the build flags
.if defined(HAVE_ARGON2)
SRCS+=          crypt-argon2.c
CFLAGS+=        -DHAVE_ARGON2 -I../../external/apache2/argon2/dist/phc-winner
LDADD+=         -largon2 
As hinted above, our most significant addition to libcrypt is the file crypt-argon2.c. This file pulls in the functionality of libargon2 into libcrypt. Changes were also made to pw_gensalt.c to allow for parameter parsing and salt generation.

Having completed the backend support, we pull Argon2 into userland tools, such as pwhash(1), in the same way as above

.if ( defined(MKARGON2) && ${MKARGON2} != "no" )
Once built, we can specify Argon2 using the '-A' command-line argument to pwhash(1), followed by the Argon2 variant name, and any of the parameterized values specified in argon2(1). See our first blog post for more details. As an example, to generate an argon2id encoding of the password password using default parameters, we can use the following
m2# pwhash -A argon2id password
To simplify Argon2 password management, we can utilize passwd.conf(5) to apply Argon2 to a specified user or all users. The same parameters are accepted as for argon2(1). For example, to specify argon2i with non-default parameters for user 'testuser', you can use the following in your passwd.conf
m1# grep -A1 testuser /etc/passwd.conf 
        localcipher = argon2i,t=6,m=4096,p=1
With the above configuration in place, we are able to support standard password management. For example
m1# passwd testuser
Changing password for testuser.
New Password:
Retype New Password:

m1# grep testuser /etc/master.passwd  


The argon2(1) binary allows us to easily validate parameters and encoding. This is most useful during performance testing, see here. With argon2(1), we can specify our parameterized values and evaluate both the resulting encoding and timing.
m2# echo -n password|argon2 somesalt -id -p 3 -m 8
Type:           Argon2id
Iterations:     3
Memory:         256 KiB
Parallelism:    3
Hash:           97f773f68715d27272490d3d2e74a2a9b06a5bca759b71eab7c02be8a453bfb9
Encoded:        $argon2id$v=19$m=256,t=3,p=3$c29tZXNhbHQ$l/dz9ocV0nJySQ09LnSiqb
0.000 seconds
Verification ok
We provide one approach to evaluating Argon2 parameter tuning in our second post. In addition to manual testing, we also provide some ATF tests for pwhash, for both hashing and verification. These tests are focus on encoding correctness, matching known encodings to test results during execution.

tp: t_argon2_v10_hash
tp: t_argon2_v10_verify
tp: t_argon2_v13_hash
tp: t_argon2_v13_verify

cd /usr/src/tests/usr.bin/argon2

info: atf.version, Automated Testing Framework 0.20 (atf-0.20)
info: tests.root, /usr/src/tests/usr.bin/argon2


tc-so:Executing command [ /bin/sh -c echo -n password | \
argon2 somesalt -v 13 -t 2 -m 8 -p 1 -r ]
tc-end: 1567497383.571791, argon2_v13_t2_m8_p1, passed



We have successfully integrated Argon2 into NetBSD using the native build framework. We have extended existing functionality to support local password management using Argon2 encoding. We are able to tune Argon2 so that we can achieve reasonable performance on NetBSD. In this final post, we summarize the work done to incorporate the reference implementation into NetBSD and how to use it. We hope you can use the work completed during this project. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the Google Summer of Code 2019 and the NetBSD project!