X.org on NetBSD/sgimips
February 20, 2009 posted by Michael Lorenz
X.org support for NetBSD/sgimips has gone live with the addition of hardware accelerated drivers for Newport ( found in most Indys, ported from official X.org ) and CRIME ( found in all O2s, driver written by myself ). Both drivers support the usual XAA acceleration primitives including solid fills, screen-to-screen copies, colour expansion and compositing.
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Heads up: x86 framebuffer console changes
February 20, 2009 posted by Jared McNeill
The i386-specific vesafb(4) framebuffer driver has been superseded by the generic genfb(4) driver. Due to this change, framebuffer console support is now available on amd64 as well as i386.
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